River Motion Pictures

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Burning Witch

Feature Film

Title:           Burning Witch

Genre:         Crime/Drama

Log Line:    
P.I. Sam Jarrett investigates missing hikers and a secret society known as the "Burning Witch".

Elevator Pitch
A midwife, wrongly accused and burned as a witch by a doctor eliminating competition, is avenged by her daughter. A chase leads to New York's Hudson River Valley, where a reckoning ends in the doctors death and the daughter accused of murder. A group of locals who believe the daughter's actions are justified, shelter her from the law. They become a secret society known as the "Burning Witch". Many years later, visiting hikers go missing and members of the society are suspected. P.I. Sam Jarrett investigates.


One Sheet

Art House Conspiracies

Feature Film

Title:           Art House Conspiracies        

Genre:         Crime/Drama

Log Line:    
From coma to top world conspiracy analyst, the silence is defining. The action unstoppable.

Elevator Pitch
Born out of a seven-year coma, there is no past to remember. Only the quickest possible worldview to deal with an on rushing reality of conflict and danger. Because he has no identity, Immigration authorities believe he is an illegal alien. The NSA think he is a CIA ghost operating illegally on American soil. The top cop at metro homicide is grateful for the "human AI" helping her clear cases. The artists who followed him think he is a guru. His partner Kwon knows she had to defend him against a stupid, ignorant, violent world. Before anyone realizes it, he drags them all into a dark global conspiracy of big money, manipulation, and power. His team, NYPD Chief Inspector Diaz, and her crew, with unauthorized operatives battled political bureaucracies, corrupt and criminal players, to follow whistle-blowers murders at the Art House Gallery to an international underworld. Only the dead speak the truth. Only John can see the path.


One Sheet             Synopsis                     Pitch Deck             Screenplay

Industry professionals and investors may Contact for Screenplay password.

Also in develoment as a series TV Crime/Drama ;       Website

Wild Horse Murders

Feature Film

Title:           Wild Horse Murders

Genre:         Crime/Drama

Log Line:    
Artist portraying wild horses is missing when murdered photographer and horses are discovered. Local Native American police and private investigator uncover dark secrets.

Elevator Pitch
In wild horse territory photographer Omar Phelps is chronicling a wild horse herd. A Native American police officer discoveries the photographer's body along with six dead horses on reservation land. Further investigation throws suspicion on local ranchers. The following week activist artist Jane Wearing is reported missing. An influx of investigative reporters, and Native American medicine man lead inquiries. Conflicts between local law enforcement, ranchers, minors, and political figures muddy the waters. A standoff between FBI and Native Americans keeps evidence in limbo. BLM officials deny charges of collusion. Charges and counter charges bring court cases into press and media. The sister of the missing artist organizes supporters for an independent investigation. Despite the contending forces of hypocrisy, corruption, greed, old hatreds and self aggrandizement she uncovers the truth no one wants to admit to.


One Sheet


Video Overview

Rock & Roll Cookbook Murders      

                        Rock & Roll Cookbook Cover
      Purchase The Book On Line:       Click The Image

Feature Film

Title:           Rock & Roll Cookbook Murders

Genre:         Crime/Drama

Log Line:     PI looking for missing girl married to rock star, untangles a string of murders.

SAM JARRETT private investigator, seeking a missing woman, discovers murder and intrigue seemingly connected to a cookbook. The missing woman, ISADORA, is secretly married to JOHNNY RAINTREE, singer/songwriter. She is the author of the missing cookbook and friend of ANGEL, who turns up dead in a motel room. Sam delves into a rock subculture and blackmail scam searching for secrets to the missing woman. With “old guy” culture shock in this musical world comes unexpected alliances, love and respect.

COMPS (The Big Sleep (1946), Film Noir, meets Almost Famous)


Synopsis             One Sheet             Pitch Deck             Screenplay

Industry professionals and investors may Contact for Screenplay password.

Is this a musical? No. But it has strong musical elements including a concert scene. This is a crime drama set in a musical world featuring the main character, Johnny Rainbow. He is a singer-songwriter. These songs are part of the original Johnny Rainbow musical play. They are source material to draw from. Only a small part of these will be used.

Original Music:

Your Age


Johnny Rainbow      

Johnny Rainbow Cover                              
To Purchase Book On Line:       Click The Image
Feature Film

Title:           Johnny Rainbow

Genre:         Musical Drama

Log Line:     Spiritual singer/songwriter influences town dominated by Crime Boss to embrace inspiration rather than fear.

  •     In every culture, stories of magic center on a hero who faces the powers of creation. His success earns his tribe a continued place in the future. As the American spiritual crisis becomes more evident, so the need for the magic necessary to heal the tribe rises to the surface. This is a story of that magic.       (Mac The Knife meets Tommy)

  • Songs & Play

    Easy Street
    They Say That Love
    Hoochie Coochie
    Past Life
    Doggy Brain Blues
    Your Age

    Video Overview

    Plant Woman

    Feature Film

    Title:           Plant Woman

    Genre:         Sci-Fi / Action Adventure

    Log Line:     Alien life combines with Earth woman, transforming her into a creature who is plunged into the fight for Earth's survival.

  •     Comparison: (Lara Croft Tomb Raider, meets The Astronaut's Wife)

  • High above the Brazilian Amazon, a routine cargo flight is intercepted by a UFO. After the lights search every corner of the plane, the UFO plunges down into the jungle. The pilot, Rig, marks an X at the spot on his map. Two years later after hearing stories of a new tribe with supernatural powers, he flies his biplane to the spot. There a tribe governed by an extraterrestrial they call Mother Deity guards her spacecraft as she makes repairs. Rig is sent to Boston to bring back Rachel Carsten. When Rachel understands the mission to defend Earth from a second ship on its way to enslave the planet, she agrees to transform to the half human, half alien creature. Plant Woman is destined to battle Evil and lead Earth into a galactic federation.

    One Sheet             Pitch Deck             Screenplay

    Industry professionals and investors may Contact for Screenplay password.


    In Name Only


    Title:           In Name Only

    Genre:         Spy / Drama

    Log Line:     Secret Government turf war.

  •     Comparison: (Funeral In Berlin meets America)

  • Documents:             Contact to learn more.

    Ride To Win

    Feature Film

    Title:           Ride To Win

    Genre:         Comming Of Age

    Log Line:    
    Young man’s drive to Olympic gold is thwarted by money, death, and a naive world view.

    Elevator Pitch
    A boy who could ride finds himself on a fast track toward the Olympics. Modest beginings from 4H, Pony Club, and Junior Equitation raises the question, how far can he go? Three day event requires dressage, stadium jumping and cross country to compete. Supported by his family, he starts serious training with Harry Gilhuys, a Dutch dressage instructor, Col. Raguse, a Three Day Event Olypian, and Jeffrey a stadium jumping trainer. He meets other contenders and a financial angel who backs riders. Finally, a horse capable of the task seems to be the keystone in the venture.


    One Sheet


    Feature Film

    Title:           Biography

    Genre:         Romantic Comedy

    Log Line:     A vanity of truth collides against Love, careers, greed, and loyalty, in a comedy of errors as biographer, artist and ghostwriter thwart each others efforts when Gallery seeks to energize artist's career with a biography.

  •     Comparison: (A Fine Madness, Samson Shillitoe... With Sean Connery, Joanne Woodward, meets Surviving Picasso, Picasso... Anthony Hopkins)

  • Documents:             Treatment

    The Pebble

    Feature Film

    Title:           The Pebble

    Genre:         Crime/Drama

    Log Line:    
    Mad man who is witness to seductress marriage and murder of local artist, seeks a reckoning with God and man.

    Elevator Pitch


    One Sheet


    Artist To Artist - Reality TV

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    Movies in development for the River Art Museum Inc.

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